Sunday 28 September 2014

How to: Deal With Stress

Stress is one of the main things I used to struggle with, whether that be personal, emotional or social. And I've gathered a few tips that can help some people as they've helped me.

  1. Do more of what you love ~ This could be going to see a movie or going out with friend to the park. It all depends on you, but I've found that if I have more 'me' time I manage to be happier and enjoy my life more.
  2. Manage time better ~ I've found that having a personal planner and a school planner really helps me and also having a schedule/routine to stick to helps my stress keep at bay. 
  3. Find out what the stress causing problem is ~ In the past, certain people used to make me stress out more so I resumed my friendship with them for a while and now we're all fine and I'm much happier.
  4. Discover what your boundaries are ~ You shouldn't ever be afraid to say no to anything and if something strikes panic in you or makes you nervous that's where your boundary ends.
  5. Don't always strive for perfection ~ Nobody will ever achieve perfection, be happy with what you have and if you're not try to work with whatever it is. By wanting perfection you're distorting on what it already is, which maybe someone elses perfection!
  6. Talk to someone ~ By talking to someone it can improve your mood, it can work by distracting you from your stressful thoughts and put you into a positive mood. It can also release built up stress.
  7. Sleep! ~ Most of the time a lack of sleep can cause stress so its probably best to get 8+ hours sleep, which I understand is hard when there's so much to do on social media platforms now! But stress can interrupt sleep as we have thoughts whirling round our head, stopping us relaxing and falling asleep :(
I hope this has helped some of you as I know how terrible stress can be!

The month of October will be a different one as I'm going to*TRY* to upload something everyday or every other day - God help me.

How do you deal with stress?

// Charl xxx


  1. Great tips! Like you I feel better if I make more time for the things I enjoy and keep organised. Sometimes I need to be reminded to do this though, so thanks for posting this! x

    Kate Louise Blogs
