Friday 22 August 2014

Favourite 5 Friday: Nail Varnish

For me, the worst thing about 'beauty' is painting my nails as I don't have the patience nor the time to sit and paint my nails and let them dry - so when I find a formula and colour that I like I tend to stick to them. So, I thought I'd share my favourite 5 long lasting, quick drying nail varnishes!

From left to right:
Barry M Gelly Shine in Green Berry
Easy Paris in Blue (it doesn't have a name)
Yes I Love in Neon Glitter
Easy Paris in Hot Pink (again no name)
Topshop in Geography Teacher

The Barry M Gelly Shine - in fact all Barry M nail varnishes - are fantastic colours, price and formula which tend to need two coats to look up to scratch and last around 1 and a half weeks on me which is very good! The range of colours are fantastic and for £3.99 they're fantastic!

Both of the Easy Paris varnishes are from Gran Canaria which I bought recently which were 1 for 3.50 euros or 2 for 5 euros. They are one coat wonders and dry within a minute of applying them which makes them easily my favourite - I just wish I bought more!!

The Yes I Love nail varnish is also from Gran Canaria and I bought this for a bit of fun and because it looked different.. The colour is very sheer but can be built up but I think it looks great over a white base to spice it up a bit.

Topshop do all round amazing nail varnishes that last up to two weeks without chipping on me and this shade is especially flattering for my skin as it makes it look darker than it already is. Geography Teacher is what I'd call a mucky camel colour - weird sorry. Haha!

Have you got any of these nail varnishes? Whats your favourite nail varnish?
 // Charl xxx